back to basic; anime

it has been long time that i'venot watch anime.___. just too busy with school stuff, so gue mau nonton ao no exorcist:) itu anime version dari manganya yang berjudul sama; ao no exorcist. Manganya gue udh baca sampe lastest chap, yaitu 23. Dan WOW manganya keren, artworknya bagus! ceritanya juga ga bosenin dan recommended to you. ohya fyi, OST ni anime dinyanyikan sm UVERworld*awww* sama 2PM. Kalo UVERworld gue sih, "oh oke" because they're japanese band, nah 2PM? mereka kan boy band korea, gue tau mereka bagus dan gue sempet ngefans sm mrk(riwayat gue jd hottest selese pas gue tau member 2pm sebel gitu sm jaypark. where's you friendship man?)tapi apakah cocok? lets listen to 'em. And What The Hell! selalu gah! gue selalu sue kalo download ni anime, entah ga bisa diputer, ato ga keluar gambar dll;-; wth yu knoe? cih mau ga mau nonton online deh:'( so i've to wait. eniway nih cuplikan screencapsnya<3

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